Gender Sentisization Committee Against Sexual Harassment (GSCASH)



UGC Regulation:- The University Grant Commission (Prevention , Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harassment of Women Employees and Students in Higher Education Institutes) Regulation, 2015. Click–>GUIDELINES






The Internal Complaints Committee (ICC), formerly present in the form of committee on Gender Sensitization and Committee on Sexual Harassment (GSCASH) in the college, is a redressal mechanism prescribed by the UGC (Prevention, prohibition and redressal of sexual harassment of women employees and students in higher educational institutions) Regulations, 2015. It is accessible to all employees and students of this university. The committee members can be contacted at any time by students and employees.

Its aims and objectives are:

To deal with complaints related to sexual harassment at the workplace/in the higher educational institution using prescribed means of resolution as specified by the UGC Regulation.

To ensure the fair and timely resolution of sexual harassment complaints.

To ensure that student, faculty and staff are provided with current and comprehensive materials on prevention of sexual harassment.

To promote awareness about sexual harassment through educational initiatives that encourages and fosters a respectful work and fosters a respectful work and learning environment.

To provide information regarding counselling and support services on our campus.


S.No. Name Designation Committee Designation
1 Mr.Hariom Chairperson President
2 Dr.Preeti Saxena Principal Member
3 Mrs.Ritu Chaudhary Associate Professor Presiding Officer
4 Mr.Mukesh Kumar Asst. Professor Member
5 Ms.Shipra Singh Asst. Professor Member
6 Ms.Vanshikha Administrative Staff Member
7 Mr.Sunil Kumar Administrative Staff Member
8 Ms.Roshni B.A Final Year Student Member
9 Ms.Keerti B.A Final Year Student Member
10 Ms.Nisha B.A Final Year Student Member
11 Mr.Rajeev Agarwal NGO Chairman NGO
12 Adv. Gambhir Singh District & Session Court , Kumher Advocate
13 Mrs.Suman College Guard (Female) Security Guard
14 Mrs.Rama College Guard (Female) Security Guard

Contact No:-  9887223066, 9828116691, 9929898372, 9413113865

Students may send whatsapp, message , videos , audio regarding the incident , or secretly drop a message in college letter box.